Here, I Am

I have come to the most beautiful place in my life. A place where peace, joy, love, and endless possibilities meet. A place of faith and certainty that it will all work out. My whole life has been an uphill battle, I decided, not to long ago, to get off the hill and live life every day in faith knowing that God’s grace is sufficient. Getting here wasn’t easy, many nights I cried, many days I gave up, but after each of those moments I got up and started again. Sitting here reflecting over how far I’ve come, how at peace I am, I feel so much love. This isn’t just self-love; this is love from a Father to a child.

Continue reading Here, I Am

How to Respond to Naysayers


Naysayers are those people that try to talk you out of your dreams or tell you that your vision for something is too big. The actual definition is; one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is skeptical or cynical about something. How do you respond to these people?

It is very discouraging to share your vision with others and they tell you all the reasons why it is impossible. As soon as you finish talking you see a shift in their body and attitude; then here comes the list. You need money to that, when will you have the time, someone is already doing that, you’re too old to change careers, and the list goes on. Sometimes the naysaying is not verbal, but you can see it in their actions; they don’t share in your joy, they change the subject whenever you bring it up, or they aren’t sharing your products with others. Continue reading How to Respond to Naysayers

The Image of God


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. -Genesis 1:27-

When God created mankind, He created us in his image. He made sure to identify that He was referring to both male and female so that there was no confusion as to who He was specifically talking to. An image is a likeness of a person so therefore when God created us, he created us to be like Him. Continue reading The Image of God

Part 3- We Got the Keys!!!

Before I really get into this post, I feel it is important to say that uncertainty, trials, and tribulations are all a part of life, so embrace them and know that there is something good on the other side of all that.

August 31, moving day! This was the day we packed our belongings into a storage unit and moved into the extended stay hotel. When we packed our life into the storage, we still didn’t have a final approval from the lender, but I was still operating in faith. The lender asked me to do some things to improve my credit score so that I could get a better rate and I did everything she asked, and my score dropped. No one could explain to me why this happened, but it did and here I was once again filled with so much doubt and so many unanswered questions. Continue reading Part 3- We Got the Keys!!!

God is Good Even When it Isn’t Good

Psalm 34:1-I will bless the Lord at all time his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Prayer and praise are two different things; prayer means to petition, and praise means to glorify. To bless God is to recognize his power, strength, and his graciousness. In our praise we are saying I know who you are God, I know you can, and I know you will.

Last year, November 5, I posted on my Facebook “I stopped saying please God and started saying thank you God. I was practically begging God to change some things in my life. When I moved from begging God to thanking Him, I started to see a shift in my life. Matthew 6 tell us not to worry, that this does not add a single hour onto our life; but this is how I lived, I prayed and then I worried. Now I no longer worry, and I give God the praise, rather it is good or bad. Continue reading God is Good Even When it Isn’t Good